What to Expect?

It’s a normal day for you. You sit and realize that your lower abdomen may be hurting, so you go to the bathroom to see what’s wrong. You pull down your pants, and surprise! A big blob of brownish-blackish blood sits in the middle of your underwear. You’ve just experienced your first period.

First periods are quite nerve-wracking, and you may ask yourself things like “what is wrong with me?”, but that’s just a normal part of life, and nobody should be ashamed of it. First periods aren’t normally red, but mostly dark brown. That’s just old blood leaving your system, and it’s totally normal. First periods also don’t have as much blood as your future ones, and they would usually be gone in around two days to a week. The interval between your first and second periods may be from a week to a whole year [1], but that’s the reason why tracking is so important. So congrats, your body is maturing [2].


[1]: https://www.everydayhealth.com/pms/irregular-periods.aspx
